
Wednesday, January 7, 2015

January Goals

So I've shared with you my overarching themes/hopes/goals for the year, and now it's time to narrow down and share a little bit of the practical on how I'm going to make those things happen in the day-to-day. I'll be choosing a handful of goals for each month that fall into my bigger hopes. I love having them written down in my PowerSheets (see previous post for details) so that I can refer back and know exactly what is worth spending my time on for the month. From there I have weekly goals and daily goals. 

It's one thing to set some hopes and dreams for the year and it's another things entirely to see those things comes to life in the hustle and bustle of life. We can choose to get swept away in busy or we can intentionally enter each day to make what matters to us actually happen. So, here's where I'm at for January:

There you have it! Some lofty ones to push myself, but some practical easy ones -- all lined up with the core of where God is leading me in this season. 

If you missed my previous two goal-setting posts, here's some insight into my hopes and dreams for 2015 & Part Two: Digging deeper into the heart of my goals.

Linked with Goals with Grace

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