
Monday, December 15, 2014

Christmas Magic and other thoughts...

Age seems to bring the realities of life with burdens and stresses that still continue on throughout the holiday season. This year in particular has felt like a straight up fight to keep the focus on Christ during this season. December has probably been the busiest month of the year for me so far, and I have a hunch it's really not supposed to be like that. This makes me want to structure my year around making next December a month of rest and reflection. Running a million miles an hour while simultaneously trying to rest and reflect? For the record, that doesn't really work very well. 

However, how sweet God is in the midst of chaos and crazy. 

The magic of Christmas truly is in the miracle of Christ's birth. There really is no amount of gifts, cups of hot chocolate, fires lit and snuggles in thick wooly quilts that can compare to the beauty and magnitude of Christ coming to the world as a baby. As I sit and show Reaghan the nativity scene in our living room, I love telling her "look, Jesus was like you!" It helps my heart relate to him so much deeper to know that he came in such a humble form to meet us right where we are. 

For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.
John 3:17

I'm a huge fan of traditions. I want Saturday morning traditions, and dinner time traditions and bed time traditions and holiday traditions. I'm obsessed. But this year, Reaghan is only one so it's been hard to think of traditions that we could start that would make sense for her age. Some things on the list are: reading the Christmas story from the The Jesus Storybook Bible, taking pictures with Santa, and going to look at lights. 

I love when she comes into the living room and points to the "TEE!!" (tree) with excitement! Decorating the Christmas tree has always been my absolute favorite Christmas tradition. We used to do it on my birthday every year growing up. We are definitely the family with sentimental mix matchy ornaments, so hanging them on the tree is like a fun trip down memory lane. 

For traditions that will last through the years, I have my eye on this Christmas Memories Book (which I saw on my friend Hayley's coffee table the other night). I hope to get it soon and start recording memories for this year. 

I also have my eye on this Advent Calendar for next year!

I've been following the hashtag (#mddadvent) on the Advent Calendar and getting super excited to do fun and meaningful things with Reaghan next year surrounded around Christ. 

What traditions do you plan for your family and kiddos? Have you felt the slump of Christmas as an adult and wished you could get back to the magic? 

Also! I'm linking up with some wonderful bloggers....have a blog? Join in on sharing what Christmas looks like for you. 

affiliate links used....all compensation I receive goes straight back into this blog!


  1. I hear you! Our lives seem to always be chaotic and crazy, but I'm so thankful for the rest that God has given me in this season... Such a fun spot to be with little ones starting your traditions- we're still building on ours, and I'm constantly thinking about what my girls will remember "we always" did- even if it doesn't play out perfectly. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Mmm so true! Is it sad that I stress so much about my daughters memories and she is only one?! Helloooo mama, she wont remember this year, so I'm off the hook! ;)
