
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Currently // Vol. 1

Thinking about: Yoga. I've been digging back into it this week and it feels really good. Hoping to  keep it going at least a few times a week and use it as a form of worship rather than just work out. Been following this Instagram for inspiration and redemption to the practice. 

Reading: Hiding Place Devotional. The devo was launched after the Thrive Mom's Retreat (which I hope to blog about soon). It is full of heart probing insight and scripture geared toward helping you find refuge in the Lord. Whether I wake up with an hour or 10 minutes to spare in the morning, I know I can get something deep from the Word. As a bonus, the YouVersion Bible App has an audio feature which I love for when I'm multi-tasking feeding my daughter breakfast and trying to spend much needed time with God. 

Listening to: Last week's sermon. It was all about the madness behind the prosperity gospel. The prosperity gospel says that God's plan is to bless us with material wealth, health and happiness. This simply is no one's reality and goes against what the Bible teaches. Our pastor did a great job unpacking why this view is a lie and how we can protect ourselves from believing false gospels like these and others. 

Watching: The Walking Dead Season 4 finale. My husband has been obsessed with this show and has watched all 4 seasons in a few short months. I've hesitantly joined him for some episodes, always fearing zombies when I leave the house the following day. Stressful stuff people are putting out on television these days, am I right?

Thankful for: My daughter. Jordan and I spent time cuddling with her before we put her to bed on Sunday night. It was such a sweet moment to thank the Lord for His gift to us through her. 

Linking up with A Mama Collective 

“Currently Vol. 1
 is part of a blog relaunch series entitled 
"31 Days of Responding to Him" 
Follow along here


  1. I just started my first volume of Currently too! I loved what you said about being scared of zombies the next day! I could never watch that show because of that! I plan to listen to some sermons too because my husband and I are looking for a new church. I plan to listen to some sermons from local churches to see if we'd like to visit the church!

    1. HAHA.....I even think I'm crazy when I do that! I have to really talk myself through it. I get sucked into the story of books, movies, TV shows, and feel like I'm really in it with the characters. Like when my fave character in Downton Abbey died? Straight up cried. I don't know if this is good or bad, ha!

  2. I love Thrive Moms so much. It is an incredibly important and needed thing out there in the trenches. They make my heart swell, how much they give to us :) I loved this post so much! Thank you for sharing a little bit about yourself. Your Thankful for was my favorite :) So sweet. ~Jenna

    1. Aren't they great? I just discovered them a few months ago (our daughter is 7 months) and they have blessed me so much! I love getting to hop onto IG or their blog while nursing and be uplifted in my role as a mama and follower of Christ.

  3. I've been thinking about YOGA too. It feels so good. My girlfriends all go to a class on Wednesday nights. It starts back up this fall.

    I also love cuddle moments with my baby girl :) She is 3 1/2.

    Stopping by from the link up. I am Becky with Choose Happy!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Becky! Hope you get to try out that yoga class! I see little girls about that age and just melt at the thought of our baby getting that big :) It already is going by so fast!
