
Thursday, July 28, 2011


Lori's fun personality :)
Most of you know I lived in Branson, MO for most of the summer. There were about 35 students on the summer project we were hosting. One of those students is Lori. Lori is from Maryland, and is a student at UNT. I got to know Lori when I reported to campus in March. We met for coffee at Einstein Bagel on campus, and she shared her story with me. Lori is an open book, a woman who others naturally follow, and passionate about living a life intimately connected to Jesus.

Lori had the privilege of teaching the other student women on project on the subject of idols. Our church in Denton has been discussing this topic recently, and Lori has been learning a lot about this subject in her personal times with the Lord. I'll let Lori tell you about her talk to these women:

I talked about how we first have to identify what our idols are and then seek why we ultimately put those things before God. My main idol is relationships (with both boys and girls). Those are things God has given me, but when I make them absolute by going to them in troubled times over God they became more of a burden. My root idol goes back to approval and comfort though, so when I realized that's why I had been putting those things first, then I was able to find that in God. My favorite part of the night was the end where we all prayed. Everyone just said one word or a phrase that came to mind, whether it be something they want to give up, a fear, or what they're thankful for. My prayer was that the Spirit would be moving especially in that time and I think He was. I enjoyed speaking and I think it was a good learning experience for me.  Some of the girls were tearing up at the end of prayer, and they said they really enjoyed it and that it was different than anything they had ever done before!

This summer Lori discipled 3 staff kids -- here she is with Maloree